Tuesday, August 31, 2010

AHA - Alpha hydroxy acids

AHA - Alpha hydroxy acids For Acne

Alpha and beta hydroxy acids are naturally derived from different fruits such as apples, ginger, oranges, grapefruit, sugarcane or willow bark,it helps a lot in removing the blemished skin and keep it younger.The 2 most common types of AHAs are glycolic acid and lactic acid.
These AHA acids can be applied to the face which will smooth the texture of skin and allow acne to remove out of skin and heal.

Unlike other skin products, alpha hydroxy acids are very effective because it allows the skin to remove impurities that block your pores.Benefit of naturally occurring alpha hydroxy acids is that it remove dead skin cells gently, but deeply , exfoliate, dissolve dead skin cells, revealing the smooth, younger looking skin underneath.
When mixed with alpha hydroxy acids or AHAs, the output is a blended toner that can be very effective to promote cell turnover to reveal a new layer of skin and get rid of the dead cells.
Side effects of topical acne treatments
Regular use can cause the skin to become irritated and inflamed.
Sensitive feeling and sting when the peel is applied

How to use sulphur topical (REZAMID) In Acne

Many people have acne, and it is one of the most embarrassing things. This can really hurt your self-esteem, and become extremely self conscious and aware of how people look at you.It can take several weeks before an improvement and you may need multiple products to try to find one that works for them.Most over-the-counter acne products contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. They help open clogged pores and the growth of bacteria reduction.

If the acne does not improve within a few weeks, consider products with sulfur and resorcinol as Clearasil adult care. These products have a distinctive color and odor and can cause dry skin.
Some people treat their acne naturally with the herbal products, tea tree oil or arnica. Tea tree oil is thought to have antibacterial properties. One study found tea tree oil is less effective - but less irritating - than benzoyl peroxide. Arnica has anti-inflammatory properties, but its effectiveness for treating acne is not confirmed.

Rezamid Acne - How and when

Acne is a skin problem which occurs when tiny holes on skin surface gets clogged,these tiny holes are called as pores.These pores is an opening to a canal named as follicle,this includes a hair and oil gland.
These oil glands help keeping the skin lubricated and also remove the old cells.But when this gland produce too much oil then these pores will become blocked,which accumulates dirt,debris and bacteria's.This blockage is called a plug now when this ruptures all oil and bacteria can spread to surrounding area and causes an inflammatory reaction.

If Tthis inflammation is deep in your skin,the acne might enlarge to form firm,painful cists.There are different solutions for acne both natural and human made.Rezamid,proactiv,Unblemish and others can be very helpful.Dermatologists recommend Rezamid when a gentle, but effective alternative to benzoyl peroxide is needed.

Rezamid acne care : How it works

Rezamid acne care : How it works

This product comes with a tube of color that you mix to match your own skin tone. It mainly works for pustular acne, known as "whiteheads."Therapeutic for mild blemishes and whiteheads. Dries and debrides at the same time. Also helps to absorb excess oils.

It can be applied at almost any body part,the dual formulated lotion works to completely dry blemishes,it mainly dries and clears pustular acne..